This was our Easter

What a busy Easter we had!

First we cleared out our entire attic, because of the renovation that is planned. At the end of the day we heard the renovation is postponed! All that work for nothing… Well, not nothing. Of course the renovation will happen. Just five (!) weeks later.

After that we celebrated Easter at home with lots of creative and fun activities with our kids.

First we painted Easter eggs for our lunch later. The kids were super excited and painted beautiful eggs! After that we ate our Easter muffins and let me tell you, they were delicious! Then my husband took the kids for a walk because our Easter Bunny wanted to hide some treasures for our kids. Yes, treasures! They weren’t just simple Easter eggs. No, there were happy stones, chocolate figures, chocolate surprise eggs and fake eggs. The fake eggs were filled with little pieces of paper. Those pieces together made a sentence which was a clue for another surprise: little gifts! Our kids loved this way of an Egg hunt.

We took a little break and enjoyed the sun while the kids were playing. All of a sudden we were all busy drawing Easter eggs and Easter figures with sidewalk chalk! These spontaneous activities are the best ones. After that we had our Easter lunch.

The next morning was for chores… but in the afternoon we had a little barbecue in our backyard. Actually, my husband and I had a barbecue and our kids were playing in the neighborhood. So we had a spontaneous date. 🙂

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