This year I participated March meet the maker for the second time.
“Introduce yourself and your brand to the world, let people in behind the scenes of how and where you work and show everyone the various different aspects of running a small creative business! There’s something for everyone!” – March meet the maker
I haven’t joined all of the prompts, but I selected the ones I wanted to share something about. I actually wanted to share more, but unfortunately it didn’t work out the way I wanted to. Hopefully next year I can share some more!
Here’s an overview of my posts from this year:

Me and my work

I’m planning on getting more products in my Etsy shop soon! For now there are some beautiful postcards in my Etsy shop. And we’re busy creating new products!

3 things about me:
- I am an illustrator and I love drawing. But I also love painting, so I recently started #100dayproject to explore paint.
- I am a mother to a boy and a girl, they are my everything. I am a stay at home mom, so I don’t always get my work done, haha!
- I am also a mother to another boy and a girl, but they have feathers! @africangreyflock are my everything. They take up a lot of my time, so I don’t always get my work done, haha!

My favorite drawing is still this one I made from Guusje.

Hands at work.

I’m always exploring new materials. Here I am exploring golden gouache.

My workspace… for now! Next month our attic will be renovated into a studio!
You are amazing Dionne❤
And I’m a lucky person because
I’m so glad I got to know you❤
No we are lucky that we met you ❤