We celebrated the birthdays from our kids with all our family and friends. Usually a lot of them are on vacation. But this year almost everyone came to visit us. We had a full garden!

My shop is closed for a while now, but I’m thinking about opening on September 1st again. I’ve already had a few requests for parrot portraits the last couple of months. So that will be possible again!

Maybe you’ve already seen some of my Instagram posts (or all of the adventures on Guusje’s Instagram!) and know that… we went camping!
We’ve always been camping with our kids but this time it was extra special: this summer we went camping with our new tent trailer for the first time. Exciting!!
Of course there were some kids crafts I made with my kids during our holiday. I took a few craft supplies with me. Or maybe more than a few… 🙂 and our kids loved to be creative from time to time. Just like in our house I made a display where I showed all the kids crafts for everyone to see. And we got lots of compliments about it!
And the kids that were staying at our camping field came along to craft with us too. This makes me so happy: to bring kids joy and a moment of piece by crafting. But also stimulating their own fantasy and let them use all the supplies in their own way. Show them all the possibilities, but still let them create their own art.
But crafting was not the main activity on our trip of course. We went to see so many beautiful places during our vacation. We love to go out on adventures and explore nature. I made so many photos and I love to share them with you!
*My husband and I decided long ago to not post any pictures of our kids, at most a picture of their hand or so. So unfortunately I can’t show you the absolutely beautiful pictures of our children. But luckily I have plenty other pictures to show!